Coffee With Hilary and Les from State of Mind Hypnosis and Training Centre
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Coffee With Hilary and Les from State of Mind Hypnosis and Training Centre
Aligning with Your Soul Path: Spiritual Growth and Self-Discovery through Hypnosis
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Have you ever wondered if you're truly on the right path in life, or if there's a deeper spiritual journey meant for you? In this episode, we bring you to the peaceful shores of a lakeside retreat, where we explore the essence of our soul paths and spiritual growth. We dive into the common quest for peace of mind and the assurance that we are on the right path. We discuss transformative methods like past life regression and life between lives sessions, emphasizing that we are always on our soul path, even through the storms of life. We'll debunk the myth that a soul path is supposed to be easy and highlight how free will plays a crucial role in overcoming life's hurdles and achieving significant milestones. By facing and overcoming our fears, we uncover our true life goals and grow spiritually.
Next, we take you on a captivating journey into the world of hypnosis and its profound impact on self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Learn how hypnosis can help you focus, relax, and access the deeper parts of your consciousness. We share intriguing stories and insights about past life regression and visualizing one's soul self, revealing how these techniques can provide clarity on personal identity, purpose, and relationships. Discover how these experiences can alleviate fears, resolve past issues, and offer newfound peace and direction, reaffirming the transformative power of introspection and inner exploration. Join us for an enlightening episode that promises to guide you closer to your true self and life purpose.
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Welcome. Thank you for joining us for Coffee with Hillary and Les. Brought to you by the State of Mind Hypnosis and Training Center located in the heart of the Kawartha Lakes. This is our almost daily community podcast about the mind and how we all might change it in the most simple and helpful ways. Every day, we sit staring at the lake and sipping our coffee, chatting about hypnosis and how to make those meaningful adjustments to our state of mind, Because nothing's more important than your state of mind, Because nothing's more important than your state of mind.
Speaker 2:Okay, we're on the line.
Speaker 1:On the line Breezy day, wind chimes are going.
Speaker 2:I actually don't mind the little bit of coolness there is today. Yesterday was, I don't know, just maybe too old for the heat.
Speaker 1:Well, the sun was pretty intense yesterday. Yeah, it did get warm. I agree with you. I love this breeze. It's soothing, we're always trying to get soothed. You know to get soothed. You know it's a rough and tumble world.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:We're getting soothed. So I guess we've been. You know, the other day we talked about sort of my approach with people, with anger, because it's one of those focuses that we have. We both really kind of work in a number of areas and we're always developing things and always developing sort of new approaches and new I don't know, I guess programs for different stuff. You know, I'm working on a sleep thing now, I'm working on a self-hypnosis thing now, and I think that it's probably good for us to keep talking about what we're working on. And so you know, it's what interests us and we should just sort of keep doing that, let people know what's possible. And so really now it's maybe today it's for you to talk about some of the stuff that you are focused on and interested in and sort of developing programs for people.
Speaker 2:And if you had to pick the one that comes to mind first, yeah, I'd say it would be the spiritual path Spiritual, not to be confused with religious, but working with people on their spiritual path, I do a lot of it seems like a lot of interviews where I'm just talking about consciousness, and you know some stories that come through in hypnosis, with the client's approval of course, but more and more it's heading down this spiritual awareness. But you know what I won't say higher consciousness, almost like a oneness consciousness, and people seem to be really interested in that. Now More people I'm finding are open to it and people seem to be really interested in that. Now More people I'm finding are open to it. And so, of course, after doing an interview, I have a little bit of a wave of people contacting me, wanting to try out different methods of reaching, you know, answers to questions that they have in this lifetime, wanting to expand their soul, knowledge or contact their higher self.
Speaker 2:A lot of the people that reach out they've got mainly one question in their mind and that is am I on the right path? They feel taken off their path, they feel like they're not doing what they should be doing, and so we work to uncover that, receive the answers from that in hypnosis, and then we use different kinds of sessions to do that, different kinds of sessions being like past life regression, life between lives, just regular regression, where we work on this lifetime but sort of understand where other things are coming from. A spiritual twist, as I say to the clients, can always be added to any type of session, right, if they, if they want it, they can, they can have that um, and we can go there do you think people are really looking for when it comes to trying to find their soul path?
Speaker 1:What's going on there for them emotionally and mentally?
Speaker 2:Well, honestly, it's what a lot of people whether they're looking for their soul path or not, they're looking for peace, peace of mind that they're doing the right thing in life. Peace, peace of mind that they're doing the right thing in life Um, they don't want to be 20, 30, 40 years down the road and looking back wishing they had done something else or feeling like they haven't lived a full life. Now spoiler alert you are always on your soul path. Apparently right now, do you?
Speaker 1:think people expect the soul path to be easy and fun and rewarding yes and no.
Speaker 2:I think more and more people are understanding that this, that well, I should say, maybe a spiritual awakening or soul awakening, um can be hard, it can be easy, it it's all over the map for everybody, um, and apparently what I say is what's coming through sessions is that we set up these lives with major milestones in them to get to, but how we get to each milestone is up to us. You know, if we talk about free will and such, but there can be something you know for me five years from now that I'm supposed to, that I set up apparently for myself, but how I get to that is up to me, basically.
Speaker 1:Is it supposed to be hard? No, no, no is it sometimes hard.
Speaker 2:Yeah, sometimes hard, but it's not supposed to be hard, you don't think? No, no, it's kind of like when a client says, when we're working on energy and they feel like this glob of goo of energy inside them is so deep and run so deep, and then I say to them, I reframe it for them saying, well, it's only as deep as you imagine it to be right. If we're not attached to our stories, then it's not that deep. So you know we work on that, and then I just pluck it out. So, in terms of things being hard, we can make it hard if we want.
Speaker 1:Well, I read this thing and it resonated so true for me that I just thought maybe that's a universal truth. But it said that the the main meaning or the quest of your life, your major goals, are lie on the other side of fear of fear. Mm-hmm, Basically to do what you're meant to do is to overcome something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't find that fun. How about you?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it can be hard moving past those fears, but yeah, I just I keep receiving the message that it doesn't have to be. It doesn't have to be that hard. We can make it harder on ourselves. Absolutely Right, absolutely right. But think about somebody that we've worked with in hypnosis and how we release fear and how it's just so natural for them to take the next step, whatever they're going forward with or whatever they want to do sometimes, right yeah, it's so much of it.
Speaker 1:Is, you know, sort of that program that we have, how they look at it, how we look at it For me, how I look at it, the framework, the context I put it in.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. So when people go through these sessions, they're asking things like am I on the right path? What lessons am I learning? Lessons are a big one, um. Why am I dealing with these patterns, whether it's financial relationships or work or even health? Um, and and just tapping into whether, again, whether it's a past life or life between lives, contacting their higher self, um just getting a broader understanding of who they are?
Speaker 2:A lot of people right now feel this call to be really helpful, um, really helpful, helpful, really helpful almost to the nth degree, where they feel like if they're not speaking to millions of people, then they're not fulfilling something inside of them, and what they're recognizing and realizing in hypnosis sessions is that the people around them are being helped, right?
Speaker 2:They, even if they decide to do something where they're, they're trying to reach millions of people, thousands, hundreds of thousands of people, um, the people that are meant, let's say, to listen and and um be, you know, talk to from them. They will be meant to listen and they'll listen. Um, but I find myself having a landslide of people right now that are of clients that want so bad to have like the next biggest channel or the next biggest book, or, and just reach the masses and that's wonderful and we do the work to, let's say, release the fear around doing that. But there's also this lovely gentle message of think about all the people you've helped already, right, and that you're going to help in the future and that you're going to work with. But when they notice that and they already know how much good that they've done and how wonderful of a person they are and helping and whatnot, it just changes their mindset about it.
Speaker 1:Usually they find themselves crying or just feeling connected in that warm, heartfelt way connected in that that warm, heartfelt way, and one of the messages I'm getting a lot is that we're confusing the impact we have with numbers that we're?
Speaker 1:we're thinking that it means you know, a million followers and a hundred thousand views and gazillions of dollars, and we're thinking that that's the way it's measured, when in fact well, let's say it another way every one of us, raising our vibration, is connected to the whole and even the quiet work you do on your own to deepen your understandings and your ability to love and to forgive and to release and to rise above. Um. That benefits everyone. It benefits everyone, even when nobody knows about it, but it benefits those that are in our circle, that whole ripple ripple effect thing. Why don't you talk about that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so the ripple effect is kind of like the emotional energy you have and the things sometimes that you do, how you treat others, how you communicate with others, and more and more it just is coming around ways in helpful ways. That effect it's sort of like dropping a stone in a pond, a boost in wellness and and, um, let's say for lack of a better word happiness, um, and so you see that that rising up. I've been speaking a lot recently, um, uh, in interviews and stuff, about sort of looking towards love instead of fear. Right, there's so much fear. If we, if we wanted to go down the road of fear in our lives, we could easily, easily, have it be part of every minute of the day.
Speaker 1:I think it is.
Speaker 2:Sometimes. Yeah, so just encouraging people to release the fear and look at the love, and not love in like a oh I love you sense, or but just the, the energy, the vibration of, of love and calm and and helpfulness. And, yeah, it doesn't have to be oprah level helpfulness, right, I mean, you would probably be amazed at how many people you've had a beautiful impact on in your life and didn't even realize it, right? We go back to the NDE one we did the other day, where we go through our life review and the main things that stand out are how we, how we treated others, um, and you know, not to go down the bad side of how we treat others, but when, uh, an NDE-er notices, notices and sees and experiences those moments where they are treating others with kindness and helpfulness and love, those are the moments that really stand out. Those are the moments that they, they come back to this earthly realm and go okay, I, I feel like I have a mission. I feel like I need to spread this awareness to treat others well, you know, and we're not well. I don't want to say that I was going to say we're not superhuman, but of course we're human still and we're going to have emotions and sometimes they're going to come out in negative ways, stuck ways. So it's not about becoming, you know, mother Teresa for the rest of your life, but it's important to notice how we treat others and notice where that's coming from and um release as much as we can those external fears that are always sort of in the background For me.
Speaker 2:I stopped watching news. I realized that that was I don't know four years ago now. I realized that that was just not something that was good for me. And now you know, I've been told I live in a bubble, but you know what? This bubble's pretty bubbles, pretty good. So I'm good with that. Right, and that's my, uh, my own decision and and where I like my life.
Speaker 1:Well, there's nothing wrong with choosing to to be aware of the boundary of your influence, be aware of the boundary of your impact and to look at the news and say, well, most of this stuff I can have absolutely no impact on, right, what's going on in other countries I can have virtually no impact on and, so to say, I'm not going to engage it deeply and it's not going to become, you know, a focus of my life.
Speaker 1:There's there's nothing wrong with that, and if you're aware of these things and you can actually be, you understand and have the ability to have an impact on it, then I can understand why you would, you know, try to stay completely informed and and be fully engaged in the discussions and the the attempts to deal with those kinds of things. But I think that it's kind of wise. A friend of mine, my beautiful friend Brian, he, came up with this phrase and I love it. I would rather be stupid than afraid, and sometimes I would rather not know about things than be engaged in a sort of fearful vibration that's only going to bring me and the people around me down.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, I think that's good. And yeah, if I was a politician or something, I would be apprised of the world around me. But that's not the world that I work in. My world, my bubble contains me helping others as much as I can rediscover who they are, remember who they are.
Speaker 1:Is that the big question, you think?
Speaker 2:Like who am I?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think I've heard that a whole bunch of times like who am I? Yeah, I think I've heard that a whole bunch of times that life is just really about you know, coming to remember, coming to understand who you really are, what you really are yeah, I think that comes through in a lot of sessions.
Speaker 2:I believe it to be true.
Speaker 2:A lot of people, if they go down this, let's say, spiritual path or awakening path, at some point during the session or the sessions we will sort of do this exercise of this is going to sound crazy, but like coming out of the body and looking back at your soul self, so sorry, coming almost like so say, we're in session and you're traveling around as your soul self, so you've released the body, let's say, and you're going to now sort of have your consciousness away from your soul self this is the only way I can describe it and then looking back at your soul self, so you get a sense of, maybe, what kind of energy you are, what frequency, what color, what you might look like, stuff like that.
Speaker 2:I know it's pretty out of this world, but, um, that is a wonderful way to, uh, have people recognize and realize who they are and feel into who they are too. Let's say, you've got somebody in your life who you just can't stand and you want to work on something in that session. Then we'll bring in their soul self, this person that you can't stand, and people have a much easier time forgiving and understanding the soul self of somebody than when they see their body self, you know so in these journeys, in these, in these resolutions, and helpless like why hypnosis?
Speaker 1:what is it about hypnosis that makes this, you know, a a method to do this kind of stuff? What is it that hypnosis offers?
Speaker 2:I think hypnosis offers the ability to just, you know, for a couple hours, solely focus on what you want to understand. You know, in life, life sort of pushes us around and we get busy and it's not very helpful in that way if we're trying to understand our soul self. So hypnosis, you know, you go into a relaxed state and in that relaxed state your mind is very open to giving you that awareness. Um, sometimes it takes an extra minute to get there, but, uh, it comes in many different forms, whether it's very visual or sensory or audible. You know, those kinds of things, like my past life regression session would be much different than your past life regression session for you. I mean not for you taking others through.
Speaker 2:You know we've noticed that that I'm very visual and you're not so visual. So I think, in terms of, um, why hypnosis? I think it just allows for the mind to slow down, focus, relax and be open to what's there and you're not constantly criticizing yourself. I mean, sometimes it comes up like oh, am I just making this up? But again, like, why would out of, like what you say, why out of all the different kinds of scenarios would you make that up sometimes, you know so yeah, it's funny, people doubt what they, what they get, like I.
Speaker 1:To me, the depth of the mind is unbelievable, like it's about just spending some time in there. We're so driven to be focused on the outside world that when we start to spend time on our inside world we start to realize like that's awful big. My attic in my house is really huge. You know my, my storage facility down in my basement is really huge and there's lots of stuff down there that I just ignore every day, that I'm not even aware it's down there. Some stuff is down there and I didn't even even recall putting it down there, and that kind of thing. I think that that kind of pause to look down deep inside yourself or up high into your higher self, the exploration can be just shocking and, of course, magical. When you take people into these kinds of states and you go into that deep part of themselves, what are some of the results?
Speaker 2:Yeah. So some of the results are, I think, the most amazing result that I've seen. Well, they're all pretty amazing, but um, not fearing death any longer, um, at least not in um, not in the sense of like the transition, not in the sense of the transition into death. Other things that come up are what comes to my mind is one where this person was struggling with a relationship that he had had during this life and the experience showed him that he was done with that lesson. He was completely done. He was worried that he wasn't done with it, but now it was sort of encased, it was put on the shelf, so to speak, and he was done with it. Um.
Speaker 2:Other things that come up are are people understanding what they're meant to do? Sometimes it's told to you, sometimes it's not. We can never gauge which one it's going to be, but sometimes people then go on to do what they were meant to do. But the funny thing is is that they already knew that there was a little part of them that already knew what the answer was, um, but the session gave them that, um, that calmness to move forward with it, that letting go of what was holding them back In a past life regression session. Sometimes things that you're dealing with in this lifetime will show up in a past life and then you do some healing there with your past life self, with your soul self. Once you come out of the body and you can move on in this life, it seems to not bother them anymore. So lots of different things come up, a lot of letting go, a lot of moving forward, a lot of understanding.
Speaker 1:This is a funny question. I'm going to ask it anyway. If you were to issue an invitation out there to the world, I think this is, I think the way we think about this stuff is really powerful, and the way we frame our thoughts create what we experience and if you wanted to invite the world to this, this whole realm of new experience, what would your invitation be?
Speaker 2:So what I have been doing in terms of that is visually based or internally visually based, and what I do is I kind of imagine myself above the planet and I'm just sending like lights of invitation down to the planet and I see little sparks light up all around the planet, kind of like when you see lights from cities and they just sort of light up and I have this internal knowing that I don't know these people that are going to work with me, but they're out there and I sort of send out the message to to you know, make their way to me in some sense. I know that sounds crazy, but it's just. I think it's important for anyone, uh, if they're doing this kind of work and they're thinking of people coming to work with them, to just know internally that the people are out there that are meant to work with you and it's just them making their way to you Go, and it's just them making their way to you.
Speaker 1:Well, those are my questions for now. Thanks for answering them. Did you enjoy?
Speaker 2:that yeah, I did.
Speaker 1:Did you like talking about that stuff?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, all right, see you later. We hope you enjoyed today's podcast and that maybe it helped even a little. If you have any questions, we would love you to send them along in an email to info at psalmhypnosiscom. Thank you for being part of the State of Mind community. For more information about hypnosis and the various online or in-person services we provide, please visit our website, wwwsomhypnosiscom. The link will be in the notes below. While you are there, why don't you book a free one-hour journey, meeting with Hilary or Les to learn more about what hypnosis is and how you might use it to make your life what you want it to be? Bye for now. Talk to you tomorrow.